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brenna claire
the true meaning of greatness
I want your red hair against my clean shaven cheek
and every piece of you knitted neatly to me
I want those green eyes to stare deep from in me
and your nimble hands to make me complete
i have known know feeling like this in a yesteryear
and right now all i want is you right here
I want to kiss any tear to befall on your face
to feel your heart beat at my loves pace
to have your head rest in its place
upon my chest; together souls race
I want to dance with you sunk in my arms
always to see your smile and deligthful charm
to take simple steps always graceful with you
and tip toe in sunrise on spring dew
I want to hear birds sing us our song
and rest in the shade all day long
together forever like one grain of sand
always i want your fingers in my hand
I am a great person
not for my idealistic views
repub, demi, what the hell, I'm Human
I am a great person
not because I'm from any land
origin doesn't make me great, I'm Human
I am a great person
not because of my sex
male or female doesn't really matter, I'm Human
I am a great person
not because of the color of my skin
peach brown or gray it's all the the same, I'm Human
I am a great person
not because of any knowledge i have
graduate or drop out, I'm still Human
I am a great person
not because of my sexual preference
hetero or homo, it's the same, I'm Human
I am a great person
not because of the amount of change in my pocket
poor or rich I still live, I'm Human
I am a great person
because i feel all these things
and care for others and because I AM HUMAN